Recon is ❤️
- Finding Seed/Roots
Scope domain
looking and uderstanding program scope
- acquisitions
- you might drill down to old domains which are vulnerable on an acqustions
- ASN Enumeration (bhp.he.net)
- this list a companys ip ranges when it becomes big enough and cloud assent may not include in them
- Tools
- Metabigor
- AsnLookup
- AMAss
- it has more than three tool in it
- we can search in amass intel with asn number and ecen run a port scan in it on any root domain
- Reverse Whois
- whoxy.com
- Domlink
Ad/analytics Realationships
- Google fu
- Copyright text
- Terms of service text
- Privacy policy text
- Shodan
- Finding subdomain
- Link Discovery
- Discovery with burp
- turn off passive scanning
- forms to auto submit
- set advanced scope with keywords of target name
- browse the main site then spider all hosts resursevely
- Gospider and Hakrawler
- Subdoaminizer
- it will look for cloud assets
- it also has feature to look for hardcoded key using shannon entropy
it has recursion but nokey finding
- Discovery with burp
- Subdomain Scraping
google fu
site:twitch.tv -www.twitch.tv
it also corealtes subdomains to asns
- subfinder v2
- github-subdomains.py
- by gwendal le coguic
- https://github.com/gwen001/github-search
- shosubgo
- https://github.com/incogbyte/shosubgo
- it gathers aubdomains from shodan
- cloud ranges
- scannning whole cloud ranges now and often
- getttng only 443 and conneecting and looking at certificate data for our domain
- http://tls.bufferover.run/dns?q=twitter.com
- https://www.daehee.com/scan-aws-ip-ssl-certificates/
- https://github.com/erbbysam/Hunting-Certificates-And-Servers/blob/master/Hunting Certificates %26 Servers.pdf
- Subdomain Bruting
- Massdns
- Amass
- amass enum -brute -d twitch.tv -src
- amass enum -brute -d twitch.tv -rf resolvers.txt -w bruteforce.list
- aisdnsbrute
- Shuffledns
- Wordlist
- https://gist.github.com/jhaddix/86a06c5dc309d08580a018c66354a056
- tomnomnom talk
- commonspeak
permutation scanning
www.$target.com was blocked by waf but ww2.$target.com is not sqli
orgin-sub.domain.com and orgin.sub.domain.com to bypass akami
- altdns
- amass
- Link Discovery
- Port Analysis
masscan - it only scans ips
Scaning all open ports
- masscan -p1-65535 -iL $ipFile –max-rate 1800 -oG $outPutFile.log
- https://danielmiessler.com/study/masscan/
dnmasscan — takes care of dns resolving
- Service scanning
- BruteSpray
Github Dorking
its a script
- Screenshoting
- Subdomain takeover
- can i takeover xyz
- subover
- nuclei
- Automation
- interlace
- extend to take different sources of input
- threading.
- distribute
- proxying
- tomnomnom tools
- Frameworks
- C-tier
- https://github.com/AdmiralGaust/bountyRecon
- https://github.com/offhourscoding/recon
- https://github.com/Sambal0x/Recon-tools
- https://github.com/JoshuaMart/AutoRecon
- https://github.com/yourbuddy25/Hunter
- https://github.com/venom26/recon/blob/master/ultimat e_recon.sh
- https://gist.github.com/dwisiswant0/5f647e3d406b5e9 84e6d69d3538968cd
- B-tier
- https://github.com/AdmiralGaust/bountyRecon
- https://github.com/offhourscoding/recon
- https://github.com/Sambal0x/Recon-tools
- https://github.com/JoshuaMart/AutoRecon
- https://github.com/yourbuddy25/Hunter
- https://github.com/venom26/recon/blob/master/ultimat e_recon.sh
- https://gist.github.com/dwisiswant0/5f647e3d406b5e9 84e6d69d3538968cd
- A-tier
- findomain
- Rock-on
- recon-pipeline
- S-tier
- intrigue.io
- Assetnote
- spiderfoot
- project discover
- C-tier
- interlace